For my little one's third birthday party. I will not attempt this again while pregnant =) But it was sure fun to set up! Purple homemade marshmallows.... Blackberry vanilla swirl cake with blackberry cream cheese frosting.... Blackberry vanilla cupcakes...... Purple candied apples..... Dahlia gift bags..... And five little girls. I love this picture for some reason. Next year maybe I should try and do a little bit more 'age-appropriate' party. We'll see. =)
I never thought I was the crafty type. Who wants to make lace doilies and painted ceramics, right? So I steered clear of the homemaker world for a decade or so. I got a degree in culinary arts and counted cooking as my "crafty" side. Then one day I discovered that there is some pretty spiffy stuff out there just waiting to be made, so why not give it a try? AND save money, while I'm at it? It's amazing how much cheaper it is to be resourceful ;), So join me as I jump into the world of crafty moms and attempt to create!